Sunday, May 27, 2012


For me, the most difficult expression of love is forgiveness. They say love is a commitment, it’s waking up everyday committing yourself to loving that one person you chose. It’s not that hard, I think. It’s not that hard to love someone you have always loved. But loving someone who has hurt you? Who seeks your forgiveness (or not) and wants you to love them back again? That’s hard for me. It’s a daily commitment for me, till I can forget, to look at you everyday and remember all the good things that you have done and are doing. It’s finding the person I once loved inside the person that hurt me. It’s looking at the scars you have given me and trying to be thankful there aren’t more. It’s looking at how you are trying or how I just need to get over the hurt because I’m just dragging myself into a downward spiral. It’s not punishing you anymore.
So here I am, saying I forgive you. I forgive you for hurting me intentionally and saying you love me at the same time. I forgive you for all the wrong things you did then. And I hope in my forgiveness, you see my love


I laugh at silly movies & I'm stubborn as a stone. I'm extremely honest, and some people get scared. I'm playful, and I know when something I'm saying is maybe shocking, but it's just the truth. I simply want to live the way I need to live, differently. I always wonder if I'm ready to ever be alone. I cry just like everybody else. I don't know what you believe, what you think or what you see, but this is a part of me ♥

wasting time, meaningless x)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

let me share :)

My phone. Could you believe that I can't live without my phones?it seems absurd but the worse is.. it's fact. I couldn't through my days without these.
My friends. It's amazing how they just smile and laughing could made my day bright. they're so precious in my life.
This the place name where I lived.

Friday, May 18, 2012

manusia pada umumnya kok :)

gak mau munak sih yaa :) tapi aku ya ngaku kok kalo aku ada buaaaanyaaak banget kesalahan-kesalahan. maklum manusia. maaf banget lho yaa yg pernah kesakitin. especially kamu :'3
I know I can't take back all of the mistakes, but I will try. yah altough it's not easy sih emang :)
mulai skarang deeh, pingin jadi nadia yg lebih baik yang menyenangkan buat orang-orang disekitarnyaa. amin, doain aaa yah?sip deh {}