Wednesday, October 31, 2012

a million memories packed in three years.

ngga peduli, ngga mau tau dan ngga pingin tau ini udh keberapa kali-nya postingan blog tentang ufo. sumpah, demi apa. aku sayang banget sama kelas ini.
gimana enggak, 3 taun bareng-bareng sampe tau tetek-bengek nya satu sama lain.
hari ini, aku mau nulis segalaaaaanya yg ada di ingetanku tentang ufo. capcus.

Monday, October 29, 2012

How To Make Red Velvet Cupcakes.

  • 300g (2 cups) plain flour
  • 30g (1/4 cup) cocoa powder
  •   1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 315g (1 1/2 cups) caster sugar 
  •  250ml (1 cup) buttermilk
  • 200g unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 eggs, lightly whisked
  • 1 tbs white vinegar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tsp red food colouring
  • 2 x 250g pkts cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 300g (2 cups) pure icing sugar
  • 120g butter, extra, at room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence, extra.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Daddy, I want you to know. how my heart aches with your loss.
first, your father. now, your mother.
life’s most precious treasure. and "Parents".
though they are no longer with you on this earth, they will forever live in the hearts of all who loved them.

Am I Ready For Love.

sometimes, I wonder how's it gonna feel. will my first love be true and real?will I be ready when my heart starts to fall?and.. what will I do when my love comes to call? 
and my daddy tells me that I light up his world. everyday he says "darling, you're my best girl."
then he tried to teach me from the very start. the meaning of love, so nobody gonna breaks my heart.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sajak Buat Anakku - Saini KM :)

hayyy pemirsaaah sebangsa setanah air :3
ini hari?kamis.
tanggal?emm, 13 September 2012.
bete bete beteee!hari ini otakku brasa direbus-_-
pertama, ulangan bahasa indonesia.
kedua, ulangan matematika.
ketiga?pelajaran english. But I'm not really sure this subject was the doer. And sooo, did you get curious bout the title above? :3
okay go on.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

nothing's left here :)

tadinya aku pesimis.
pesimiiis banget klo ngga bakal bisa.
sampe akhirnya, kepisah.
akhirnya, gampang kan?sampe ngga ada yang tersisa :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

jangan dibaca!ini lebay!

haloo aku mau ceritaa. aku ngga tau ini termasuk cerita thrill ato emang cuman prasaanku aja jadi brasanya nyeremin. sebelumnya, biar readers nyambung sama ceritaku, aku kasi tau dulu..

emm, aku klo tidur (masih) sama mama dan adekku, tentunya.. sekamar *embarassed*
nah. tau sendiri kaaan aku orangnya gampang mules-_-
sedangkan sifat ke-mules-an ku itu berlawanan sama mama dan adekku yang suka pake banget, sama yang namanya tidur pake AC. jadilah, aku ngungsi ke ruang keluarga.

ceritanya dimulai dari sini.
karena suhu kamar rendah dan dinginnya ngga kompromi sama ke-mules-an ku, di tengah-tengah tidur aku pindah ke ruang keluarga.
ini udah berjalan beberpa minggu belakangan ini sih. jadi klo waktunya tidur, aku langsung ngambil bantal guling sama selimut, trus tiduran di ruang keluarga sambil nonton tv.
nah, pas momen-momen lebaran ini.. aku sering sampe di rumah udah larut. udah tengah malem, yaa ngga sering sih cuman dua kali aja. *ea
jadi begitu masuk rumah, ngeliat bantal ituu rasanya directly aku klepek-klepek gitu deeh.
klepek-klepek nya ya jelas di kamar.
hari pertama bobo di kamar, hmm dagdigdug sih aku mau ceritanyaa. aku mimpi..

No Sense - Memori.

Ketika aku sadar, hidup telah melangkah jauh lebih maju dari yang aku harapkan. Banyak hal tidak lagi berada dalam genggaman. Yang bisa aku lakukan setelah itu hanyalah menyesali apa yang telah terlewat, dan apa yang segera terlepas.

No Sense - Memori.

Cinta itu egois, sayangku.
Dia tak akan mau berbagi.

Dan seringnya, cinta bisa berubah jadi sesuatu yang jahat. Menyuruhmu berdusta, berkhianat, melepas hal terbaik dalam hidupmu. Kau tidak tahu, sebesar apa taruhan yang sedang kau pasang atas nama cinta. Kau tidak tahu kebahagiaan siapa saja yang sedang berada di ujung tanduk saat ini.

Kau buta dan tuli karena cinta. Kau pikir kau bisa dibuatnya bahagia selamanya. Harusnya kau ingat, tak pernah ada yang abadi di dunia. Cinta juga tidak. Sebelum kau berhasil mencegah, semua yang kau miliki terlepas dari genggaman.

Kau pun terpuruk sendiri, menangisi cinta yang akhirnya memutuskan pergi.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody—really want him—it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will now cause a lacerating injury

spoke as well.

I have a history of making decisions very quickly about men. I have always fallen in love fast and without measuring risks. I have a tendency not only to see the best in everyone, but to assume that everyone is emotionally capable of reaching his highest potential. I have fallen in love more times than I care to count with the highest potential of a man, rather than with the man himself, and I have hung on to the relationship for a long time (sometimes far too long) waiting for the man to ascend to his own greatness. Many times in romance I have been a victim of my own optimism.

wiser to surrender.

In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

dunno dunno.

1. I always imagine my family and loved ones are dead, just so I can feel what my reaction would be. I usually shed a tear. I imagined my mom dead, and I felt extremely sad, no smile…
2. Everything in my life may be amazing, but I’ll always feel empty without you.
3. I wish I could see you again. & ask you how life has been treating you. Maybe even laugh with you. How I miss your laugh.
4. If you really loved me for the past two years, you’d care enough to at least give me what I deserve.

Pick your story,

1. There are people who give so much love to those who don’t love them back.
2. There are some who feel so loved and find out in the end that they were fooled.
3. There are some who is into mutual love but can’t call their partner as their own because someone already holds the title.
4. There are some who give so much love but the other won’t believe because s/he always considers your past.
5. There are some who receive so much love but can’t seem to move on from previous relationship.
6. Others just want to play the game and choose their playmate.

a dreamer.

do you know what hurts the most?
 you’ll never be mine and I’ll never be yours.
 we’ll be two people with separate lives. you will never see me the way that I see you. I know that I could wish on every falling star, but my wish would be worth nothing. cause you’re just a dream and I’m the dreamer.

I get kinda irritated when “instant messages” aren’t instant.

like 50 - 60 minutes gaps between replies.
if you're busy, just say so. then go do what're you doing.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


For me, the most difficult expression of love is forgiveness. They say love is a commitment, it’s waking up everyday committing yourself to loving that one person you chose. It’s not that hard, I think. It’s not that hard to love someone you have always loved. But loving someone who has hurt you? Who seeks your forgiveness (or not) and wants you to love them back again? That’s hard for me. It’s a daily commitment for me, till I can forget, to look at you everyday and remember all the good things that you have done and are doing. It’s finding the person I once loved inside the person that hurt me. It’s looking at the scars you have given me and trying to be thankful there aren’t more. It’s looking at how you are trying or how I just need to get over the hurt because I’m just dragging myself into a downward spiral. It’s not punishing you anymore.
So here I am, saying I forgive you. I forgive you for hurting me intentionally and saying you love me at the same time. I forgive you for all the wrong things you did then. And I hope in my forgiveness, you see my love


I laugh at silly movies & I'm stubborn as a stone. I'm extremely honest, and some people get scared. I'm playful, and I know when something I'm saying is maybe shocking, but it's just the truth. I simply want to live the way I need to live, differently. I always wonder if I'm ready to ever be alone. I cry just like everybody else. I don't know what you believe, what you think or what you see, but this is a part of me ♥

wasting time, meaningless x)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

let me share :)

My phone. Could you believe that I can't live without my phones?it seems absurd but the worse is.. it's fact. I couldn't through my days without these.
My friends. It's amazing how they just smile and laughing could made my day bright. they're so precious in my life.
This the place name where I lived.

Friday, May 18, 2012

manusia pada umumnya kok :)

gak mau munak sih yaa :) tapi aku ya ngaku kok kalo aku ada buaaaanyaaak banget kesalahan-kesalahan. maklum manusia. maaf banget lho yaa yg pernah kesakitin. especially kamu :'3
I know I can't take back all of the mistakes, but I will try. yah altough it's not easy sih emang :)
mulai skarang deeh, pingin jadi nadia yg lebih baik yang menyenangkan buat orang-orang disekitarnyaa. amin, doain aaa yah?sip deh {}

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

let visit it!

You should visit this site !
Let check the newest style of any shoes you wanted!
now! :) 

quote of me

mungkin aku belum sanggup membuatmu bahagia. namun, tidakkah kau merasa aku sanggup membuatmu tersenyum di hari yang berat?

quote of me

perjuangkan saja dulu. masalah jodoh atau bukan, itu belakangan.

quote of me

kau harus bahagia dengan ataupun tanpa aku namun mengapa, ada bagian yang tidaka ku suka dari kutipan barusan.

quote of me

mungkin aku belum sanggup membuatnya bahagia. setidaknya, aku tidak pernah mempunyai niatan membuatnya sedih.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

these all on my birthday :")

quote of me

mata yang berair selalu akan lebih jeli dalam memilih.

quote of me

kian lama aku memahami. menjadi diriku yang dengan dirinya, ialah aku yang kian membaik.

quote of me

you're not my life. but you're the one I spend it with. you're not my world, but you're the best thing in it.

quote of me

a guy and a girl can be friends. but sooner, the one will fall for the other. maybe too early, maybe too late, or maybe.. ,aybe forever.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

quote of me

boys who do their best to talk to you, no matter how busy they really are.

boys who don't hide things from you, whether it being small things, or the biggest things.

boys who would make themselves look like an idiot just to make you laugh.

quote of me

you know? when we're fight, I just want run into you, and hug you.

quote of me

Thumper: "Why don't you ask him? | Bambi: "He looks busy. I better not." - Disney World

quote of me

 I’m going to keep telling you, so listen good every day. I love you.

quote of me

Girls fall in love with what they hear. Boys fall in love with what they see. That’s why girls wear make up and boys lie