Saturday, January 29, 2011

perasaan cinta dimulai dari mata, sedangkan rasa suka dimulai dari telinga. jadi jika kamu ingin berhenti menyukai seseorang, cukuplah kamu menutup telingamu. tetapi apabila kamu coba menutup matamu dari orang yang kamu cintai, cinta itu berubah menjadi tetesan air mata dan terus tinggal di hatimu dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama

yeah :D

i could go back to every laugh,
but i don't wanna' go there anymore,
and i know all the steps up to your door,
but i don't wanna' go there anymore.

talk to the wind, talk to the sky,
talk to the man with the reasons why,
and let me know what you find.

i’ll leave my window open,
‘cause i’m too tired at night to call your name.
just know i’m right here hopin’,
that you’ll come in with the rain.

i could stand up and sing you a song,
but i don’t wanna’ have to go that far.
and i, i’ve got you down,
i know you by heart,
and you don’t even know where i start.

talk to yourself, talk to the tears,
talk to the man who put you here,
and don’t wait for the sky to clear.

i’ll leave my window open,
‘cus i’m too tired at night to call your name.
just know i’m right here hopin’,
that you’ll come in with the rain.

i’ve watched you so long,
screamed your name,
i don’t know what else i can say.

but i’ll leave my window open,
‘cus i’m too tired at night for all these games.
just know i’m right here hopin’,
that you’ll come in with the rain.

i could go back to every laugh,
but i don’t wanna’ go there anymore… 

love it love it J

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kehidupan adalah 10 persen yang terjadi pada dirimu dan 90 persen sisanya adalah bagaimana kamu menghadapinya. Apapun itu, cobaan, kegagalan, tidak akan menjadi sesuatu yang buruk. Tetapi tergantung bagaimana kita bersikap, tergantung bagaimana kita menyikapinya

Just Like Me

I slipped down the stairs, 
Tripped over your fragile ego, 
I slid down the hallway, 
Right into the web you'd woven, 

And you never said, 
That you meant to save someone, 
Somebody just like me, 
And you never told me, 
You wanted to love someone, 
Somebody just like me 

You locked all the doors, 
You felt it was safer that way, 
You put up a wall, 
And now your whole world is caving in 

And you never said, 
That you meant to save someone, 
Somebody just like me, 
And you never told me, 
You wanted to love someone, 
Somebody just like me 

You swallow your pride as, 
You left behind, 
Counting stars to name your lies, 
You let the rain, 
Push you away, 
And now you're drowning in the waves 

And you never said, 
That you meant to save someone, 
Somebody just like me, 
And you never told me, 
You wanted to love someone, 
Somebody just like me 

And you never told me, 
You wanted to love someone, 
Somebody just like, 
Somebody just like me, 
And you never said, 
That you meant to save someone, 
Like me 
Somebody just like me

Love it love it J

Just The Way You Are

Monday, January 17, 2011

hehe -^^-

MORGAAAAN!!! SMAAAAASH!!!! LOPYUMUAHMUAH :* *nah lu. kualat dah -.-

Sunday, January 16, 2011

makasih yaa, :* :* :*
buat yang udah kamu kasih dan kamu berikan
maaf aku gak bisa ngasih sebaik apa yang kamu kasih :')

Every Little Things You Do

hello, let me know if you hear me
hello, if you want to be near
let me know
and i'll never let you go

hey love
when you ask what i feel, i say love
when you ask how i know
i say trust

and if that's not enough

it's every little thing you do
makes me fall in love with you

there isn't a way that i can show you
ever since i've come to know you
it's every little thing you say
makes me wanna feel this
there's not a thing that I can point to
cause it's every little thing you do

don't ask why
let's just feel what we feel
cause sometimes
it's the secret that keeps it alive
but if you need a reason why

is it your smile or your laugh or your heart?
does it really matter why i love you?
anywhere there's a crowd, you stand out
can't you see why they can't ignore you
if you wanna know
why i can't let go

let me explain to you

that every little dream comes true
with every little thing you do

it's everything, everything you do
that makes me fall in love with you
it's everything, everything you say
that makes me feel this way ..

Thursday, January 13, 2011

jangan sesekali mengucapkan selamat tinggal jika kamu masih mau mencoba

jangan sesekali menyerah jika kamu masih merasa sanggup

jangan sesekali mengatakan kamu tidak mencintainya lagi jika kamu tidak dapat melupakannya
kamu adalah matahariku,

pemberi cahaya terhadap duniaku yang sempat gelap gulita dan tergoncang dihantam badai

Monday, January 10, 2011

cinta itu berada di suatu tempat yang sangat jauh di alam yang sama sekali tidak bisa ditangkap oleh akal pikiran.. 

ia hanya bisa dipahami oleh bagian tersuci dari jiwa, yaitu hati.

jadi, hanya orang yang punya hati-lah yang bisa merasakan cinta.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

memang selalu lebih enak mengejar impian daripada memilikinya. begitu suatu impian berhasil kita dapatkan, tiba-tiba tanpa berkedip sedikitpun, impian itu hilang ditelan realita

Saturday, January 8, 2011

semua terasa indah, saat semua akan berakhir

ada yang tau? knapa kok semua terasa indah, kalo apa yang ada dalam keseharian kita akan berakhir? knapa ya? tapi ini menurut pendapatku aja seh. gatauk kalian anggepannya gimana.

indah. indaaaah banget :)
knapa nggak dari dulu dulu aja semua krasa begitu indah?
mm, emang sih. kalo indah dibelakang, kita pasti nyesel dan nggak terima. nyesel, nggak terima, knapa kok disaat kayak gini, berujung perpisahan.
tapi kalo dari dulu udah indah, trus dimana kita bisa ngejalanin proses jatuh, terpuruk, terperosok, apalah itu. malah mungkin kita cenderung kebiasa dengan keadaan indah, dan kita (mungkin) gak nyadar kalo keindahan itu BENAR BENAR INDAH.
*lak bingung toh? ==a

ahaha :'D

indah bukan ? :')

semua terasa indah, saat aka